September 2, 2024
Flirting with Celebrity was the MyLibrarian Book Club Pick for March 2024

If I had a website back in March, I could have shared this fun then, but since I didn't, I'm trying to remember things I never updated and/or got to share at the time.

I had the pleasure of participating in a short video Author Chat with Michelle from MyLibrarian in March to talk about Flirting with Celebrity when it was the MyLibrarian Book Club Pick

I did the interview on my lunch break at work. My WiFi connection was bad. It does get better after a few minutes. It's not your connection; it's mine. I wish I'd used my phone as a personal hotspot instead of my library's WiFi (we have some thick walls that sometimes block things). My desk PC doesn't have a camera, or I would have used that. Hindsight...

For those of you who haven't yet read the book yet, it's the sequel to Flirting with a New Life. While both books can be read as Standalones. In this second novel in the series, the story begins just before Kelly's book launch. She realizes that she's ready to not only date but also be in a relationship. She meets someone who she immediately connects with, but when her writing career is thrown into the spotlight thanks to a few celebrities, that relationship is tested. Will Kelly be able hold her own in an interview in front of a national audience without making a fool of herself? How many doughnuts can Kelly shove in her mouth without choking? And will her new-found love outlast her new-found "fame"? Telling you more would spoil the fun.

The Kindle version is $0.99